Unlike many associations, membership in the ACMLA is for an entire firm, not just an individual person. Each member firm should identify a Designated Representative that will receive all correspondence and billing information. Additional contacts within a firm can also be added to the correspondence list for information on upcoming events, if desired.
New members are encouraged to get involved with ACMLA by joining one of the committees.
ACMLA’s program & meeting year runs from September through May. Membership dues include one paid monthly lunch per member firm. Additional people within a firm and guests are also welcome to attend meetings with payment on a per-meeting basis. New members joining at different times of the year are eligible for pro-rations of first-year dues as determined by the board.
The annual membership dues are $325 annually for the designated member. Additional members from the same firm are $275 each.
Application Fee: $100 (may waived for individuals who were members in a previous firm). This application should be accompanied by a check payable to ACMLA in the amount of the application fee. New members will invoiced the remaining amount due when their membership application has been approved.
Monthly meetings are held from September through May and are normally on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. There are no meetings in June, July and August. Members are also encouraged to join committees that may have additional meeting times.
Membership applications are reviewed by the Board of Directors following receipt.